About Us

You know that leather jacket that your dad wears every chance he gets? Or the knife in your parents’ drawer that is one sharpening away from disappearing altogether? The old army sleeping bag you used to be lucky enough to freeze in when you went camping as a kid? How about your favourite hoodie – I know you’re thinking of one?

We know that things are more than just things. They’re memories, and occasions. They’re adventures and challenges overcome. They’re a little bit who we are, and if you choose well, they’re a little bit of who we become.

At Goodman, we want to help you find your next favourite piece of kit – whether that’s a watch to keep you on schedule (or to help you forget you have one on your cellphone), a wallet to last a lifetime, a jacket, flashlight, tent, sleeping bag, axe, boots, gloves, or anything else you need to get through your next adventure.

We do the research, so you can do the adventuring.

Each piece of gear on this site adheres to our core values: Honest. Dependable. Durable.


Don’t you hate it when something just isn’t what it says on the box? When waterproof is more of a wish than a feature? Or when the temperature rating looks like it only applies if you’re also under an electric blanket? How about that hefty price-tag for a logo, rather than a piece of gear to last a lifetime?

Well, we can’t stand dishonest gear. That’s why we endeavour to only sell products that we know will meet or exceed your expectations.

Nothing is just for show, and we’re not trying to swindle anybody.

We sell honest gear.


Finally, we know nobody has room for gear that they can’t rely on. When you need something cut – that blade had better be sharp. When you reach for a jacket to take on your next hunt or hike – you don’t want something that’s going to let you down. “Alright”, and “good enough” are not, in fact, good enough.

Goodman gear is the type of gear you can learn to love, and more importantly, gear you can learn to depend on.


Nothing is more disappointing than having to replace an excellent piece of gear because it couldn’t hold up to your adventurous lifestyle – or whatever else you might need to throw at it.

We understand that you need each piece of gear you choose to rely on to be durable, and each of the brands we partner with make products that last – sometimes more than a lifetime.

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